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Shared Green Deal: best practices from local food communities

🖋 Valentina 📅 January 17, 2025

We are happy to share the Shared Green Deal case study report, showcasing how grassroots communities in Stockholm (Sweden), Cella Monte (Italy), Košice (Slovakia), and Wageningen (Netherlands) have been promoting local food system transformation. These communities used participatory approaches, such as Food Assemblies, to identify pathways for sustainable food production and consumption, aligning with the EU’s Farm to Fork strategy. In the report you can find examples on how local actions can influence broader food system changes.

Read the Case Study guide here!

About Shared Green Deal

SHARED GREEN DEAL’s core goal is to stimulate shared actions on Green Deal initiatives across Europe, by providing Social Sciences and Humanities tools to support the implementation of 8 EU Green Deal policy areas, at the local and regional level. Slow Food Youth Network is involved as practice lead in the Food Stream of Shared Green Deal.